We need your help for upcoming meeting with Government Ministers!

Posted on: 26/08/2022
Mud Island Community Garden
Mud Island Community Garden

In recent months Community Gardens Ireland presented to an Oireachtas Committee on the huge benefits that come from community growing spaces in Ireland, and how changes are needed to help more communities in Ireland grow their own produce. 

In September we will be meeting with Minister Peter Burke and Minister Malcolm Noonan about this. We will be asking for changes so that community growing spaces must be provided by local authorities where there is sufficient demand and for the doubling of the numbers of allotments & community gardens by 2025. Our full list of recommendations are here

And we need your help! 

We are looking for every single person in Ireland interested in community growing to do the following: 

1. Email TDs

Email all your local TDs (every party) and ask them to support this and to relay their support to Minister Burke and Minister Noonan. A draft email template is below – but feel free to use your own. See here to get your local TD contact details: https://www.whoismytd.com/

2. Share it!

Share this request with local growing groups, friends, family members, on social media etc. 

3. Email Ministers

Email Minister Peter Burke and Minister Malcolm Noonan directly to let them know how this would be beneficial to your community group. 

Minister Burke’s email addresses: peter.burke@oireachtas.ie

Minister Noonan’s email addresses: malcolm.noonan@oireachtas.ie

The more emails that are sent in, the stronger our position will be. Please help us make this change so that more communities can grow their own produce together in local areas throughout Ireland. 

Cut and paste the template email below:

Dear (TD), 

During September, Community Gardens Ireland will be meeting with Government Ministers to ask for their support to double the numbers of allotments & community gardens in Ireland by 2025. In addition, Community Gardens Ireland are asking for changes to require local authorities to provide community growing spaces where clear demand is present. 

Community growing spaces such as allotments and community gardens are proven to be helpful for biodiversity and as a good local climate action. There is ample evidence that they help with mental and physical health, community cohesion, reduce flooding risk, reduce food waste, and so much much. 

Despite this, there are fewer allotments & community gardens in Ireland then there were 100 years ago. Ireland has fewer allotments & community gardens per capita compared to Denmark, Poland, Germany and other EU countries. There is currently no national policy on allotments & community gardens and the legislation supporting them is weak. 
I urge you to strongly support the recommendations that Community Gardens Ireland presented to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government & Heritage in March 2022, also copied here

I also ask that you relay your support for these changes to enable more allotments & community gardens to Minister Peter Burke and Minister Malcolm Noonan. 

Best regards


Thank you.

1 thought on “We need your help for upcoming meeting with Government Ministers!

  1. I really do think we’re coming to the point where public parks and spaces should be used to grow fruit trees,berries, vegetables; The Phoenix Park for one thing is grossly underused; there will be massive food shortages this winter and following on with the climate brigade intent on stopping nitrogen, carbon dioxide etc which are the stuff of actual life. We need to begin to fight for our rights here; after all the ARE PUBLIC spaces, public parks. Thank you.

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